Top Songs 2014 #TBT
Top Songs 2014. The fourth annual listing of top music for the year. Not strictly ranked, warming to the faint of heart, and oxford comma approved.
YouTube playlist:
Or Spotify if that’s your preference (not complete). […]
Top Songs 2014. The fourth annual listing of top music for the year. Not strictly ranked, warming to the faint of heart, and oxford comma approved.
YouTube playlist:
Or Spotify if that’s your preference (not complete). […]
The now annual books of the year list takes its third bow next week. The impetus for tracking what I read each year — other than inspiration, accountability, and memory — started as a bonus list tacked onto the end of the Movies 2014 list. Books 2014 was just a list, yet I am expanding it for this #TBT to provide what I remember of these books.
A memory test three years later, here are the books I read…in 2014. […]
The books I read in 2015 spanned new genres. Drama and Graphic Novels (i.e. Comic Books) came in heavy rotation. The most satisfying moments were the phrases and sentences that encapsulated a simple emotion. Emmaus, Equivocation and Peace Like a River contained many.
Simple Inspiration on how to achieve your reading goals this year. […]
The sixth annual listing of my top music for the year. A wonderful end for the Cubs, concert heavy and two OK Go videos in a year!
YouTube Playlist:
Or Spotify if that’s your preference (not complete).