"Promise me you won't move so much as a ribbon." - Mr. Bingley Pride and Prejudice Mr. Bingley / Colonel Fitzwilliam SummerStage of Delafield "If I may offer a word of counsel here..." - Cléante Tartuffe Cleanté SummerStage of Delafield "Well, to be brutally honest, we wouldn't actually want a woman around, would we, Jerry?" - Robert Betrayal Robert Sunset Playhouse "I am not a day of season,For thou mayst see a sunshine and a hailIn me at once: but to the brightest beamsDistracted clouds give way; so stand thou forth;The time is fair again." - King All's Well That Ends Well King/Duke Original Practices Milwaukee "For slander lives upon succession, For ever housed where it gets possession." -Balthazar The Comedy of Errors Balthazar/Merchant Original Practices Milwaukee "Divine inspiration does exist. How else do you explain The Big Lebowski?" - Bradley Vows Bradley Cooperative Performance "Oh, you're real! I've been down here so long I was beginning to think this is all a dream." - Jack Nesting Dolls Jack/Man/Homeless Man Cooperative Performance "He brings her into a dungeon?" - Miles She Kills Monsters Miles Village Playhouse "Does that mean I have to go?" - Bob The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Bob Bradley Sunset Playhouse "I love you Vivian. ... I saw you sing and I thought, that voice is all I want to hear." - Lorenzo The Sweet New (World Premiere) Lorenzo Theatre B "Theatre's a small world, but it's built on affection and trust." - Shag Equivocation Shag Theatre B "If a boy knows the weather you got to call it a blessin'." - Basil The Diviners Basil Bennett Fargo-Moorhead Community Theatre "The first composition Beethoven wrote there was the variations on Diabelli's waltz, which had taken his fancy in a curious way." - Schindler 33 Variations Anton Schindler Theatre B "Professor Bearing. How are you feeling today?" - Jason Wit Dr. Jason Posner Theatre B